Vertex operators for AdS3 background with Ramond-Ramond flux
In order to study vertex operators for the Type IIB superstring on AdS space, we derive supersymmetric constraint equations for the vertex operators in AdS3 × S backgrounds with Ramond-Ramond flux, using Berkovits-Vafa-Witten variables. These constraints are solved to compute the vertex operators and show that they satisfy the linearized D = 6, N = (2, 0) equations of motion for a supergravity and tensor multiplet expanded around the AdS3 × S spacetime.
منابع مشابه
Vertex Operators for Ads3 with Ramond Background
This review gives results on vertex operators for the Type IIB superstring in an AdS3 x S3 background with Ramond-Ramond flux, which were presented at Strings 2000. Constraint equations for these vertex operators are derived, and their components are shown to satisfy the supergravity linearized equations of motion for the six-dimensional (2,0) theory of a supergravity and tensor multiplet expan...
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These lectures provide an introduction to perturbative string theory and its construction on spaces with background Ramond flux. Traditional covariant quantization of the string and its connection with vertex operators and conformal invariance of the worldsheet theory are reviewed. A supersymmetric covariant quantization of the superstring in six and ten spacetime dimensions is discussed. Corre...
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The Coulomb gas representation of expectation values in SU(2) conformal field theory developed by Dotsenko is extended to the SL(2,R) WZW model and applied to bosonic string theory on AdS3 and to Type II superstrings on AdS3×N . The spectral flow symmetry is included in the free field realization of vertex operators creating superstring states of both Ramond and Neveu-Schwarz sectors. Conjugate...
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